Tuesday, June 30, 2009


The Law of Attraction states that you can have, be, and do whatever you want in life as soon as you master the science of getting rich. As we all live within one connected Universal Energy Field, we can achieve anything we want by aligning ourselves in harmony with Infinite Power.
Here’s how.
4 Action Steps You Must Take to Achieve Financial Success

1. Activate Your Creative Mind, not Competitive Mind:
We typically think competitively. We fill our minds with ideas such as “How can I do better than my competitors?” Or we think, “How can I help my company increase its market share?”
This scarcity mentality manifests to a zero-sum game. One gains, the other loses.
To come into harmony with the Universe, you need to become a Creator, not a Competitor. When creators advance, everyone also advances.

2. Knock Down All Hurdles to Building Your Own Business by Selling Large Companies Products on the Internet:
Before the Internet, a traditional retail business demanded:
• Ample capital and cash flow
• An excellent business plan
• Experienced management team members
• Reliable suppliers
• Efficient inventory and operations management systems
• Store rentals
• Hiring and training of sales assistants
At the end of the month, you would pray your revenues would be higher than your operating costs. The problem for the majority of us is that we lack the necessary startup capital, cash flow, management experience, and connections to start our own business.

Now, thanks to the Internet you can sell large companies’ products on the Internet and eliminate all obstacles. And, these larger companies benefit by cutting their overhead costs.

That’s exactly why many large companies, such as Amazon and Dell are looking to increase their sales force by welcoming affiliates just like you to sell their products online. You are awarded commissions in return.

This way, you don’t have to incur:

• Manufacturing costs
• Inventory costs
• Store Rental costs
• Shipping costs
• Staffing costs

3. Choose Well-Established Companies that Offer High-Commission Plans:
While you may like to sell products affiliated with renowned companies such as Amazon and Dell, you may not be very attracted to their low single-digit percentage commission plan. So choose wisely! You don’t want to pick a saturated market.

I recommend an affiliate program like Bob Proctor and Jack Canfields’ “The Science of Getting Rich” seminar program, where you can get 25% commission fees equaling US$500 per sale!

4. Choose a Lifetime or 2-Tier Affiliate Compensation Package:
Not only do you want to choose a high-commission affiliate program to promote its products and services, but you also want to choose one that offers continual residual income or a 2-tier affiliate compensation plan. This is the most important step as one-time run-offs are ok, but you cannot become insanely rich this way.

For illustrative purpose, let’s use the “Science of Getting Rich (SGR)” Seminar Affiliate Program to show you how a 2-tier affiliate program works:

You will earn US$500 for anyone who purchases the SGR program through your website. When someone buys from you, they also have the option of becoming an Affiliate Member. They are called your Tier 1 Affiliates. When someone purchases through your Tier 1 Affiliate, you will receive an additional US$250. They are called your Tier 2 affiliates.

With the above compensation plan, you can earn one million dollars if you sell, the SGR program for example to only 5 Affiliates each month for a year, and each of these 5 Affiliates sell to 6 other Affiliates (Tier 2) each month for a year.

The beauty of these affiliate type programs is that you are creating steady income even if you decide to stop selling the product to anyone. Your 1st Tier Affiliates will continue to generate recurring income for you.

By leveraging the power of your affiliate network, you will turn your monthly income into annual income.



Following these simple tips will definitely boost your traffic and search engine rankings for free. Like that it was said by Edwin Reyes on him findmesoftware.com site.

1. Make sure your site is not under construction, incomplete, with little or no unique content.

2. When your site is ready, submit it to Google, Yahoo, MSN and ASK.com. Consider also submitting to other search engine but most of them are powered by these four leading search engines. Submit also your site to reputable high PR web directories, open directories, yellow pages and social bookmarking sites such as del.icio.us, furl, etc.

3. Submit your sitemap to Google, Yahoo, MSN and ASK.com (sitemap for search engines usually in XML format)

4. Offer sitemap to your site visitors for easy page navigation. (sitemap for visitors in HTML format)

5. Create unique and rich content sites. Avoid duplicate content. Do not create multiple pages, sub-domains, domains, mirror sites or sites with different domain names but same content.

6. Check your keywords and make sure they are relevant and actually are contained in your site. Avoid keywords stuffing.

7. Use text instead of images in your content, links and important subjects.

8. Make your TITLE and ALT tags descriptive, simple and keyword rich. Avoid irrelevant and repeated keywords.

9. Title tag should be 60-80 characters maximum length.

10. Meta tag description should be 160-180 characters including spaces. (about 25-30 words)

11. Meta Tag keywords must be 15-20 words maximum.

12. Optimize Pages with Headings (H1, H2, H3..) containing your site's primary keywords.

13. Validate your CSS and HTML. Check for errors and broken links.

14. If your site contains dynamic pages(i.e., the URL contains a "?" character), make sure you use SEO friendly URLs. Search engines' spiders having difficulty indexing dynamic pages.

15. Maximum links per page must be fewer than 100. Avoid the risk of being flagged as link farm by search engines.

16. Use Lynx as text browser to check your site. (http://lynx.isc.org/)

17. Allow search bots (good ones) to crawl your sites without session IDs or arguments that track their path through the site. Using these techniques may result in incomplete indexing of your site.

18. Check your web server/host if it supports the If-Modified-Since HTTP header. It tells search engines whether your content has changed since last crawled your site. It will save you bandwidth, resources and avoid server overload.

19. Use Robots.txt file to manage and control search engine spiders in indexing your site. You can allow and disallow spiders and choose directories you want to be crawled and indexed. But with bad bots or spam bots you need to modify your HTACCESS file to properly and effectively manage bots or spiders. Visit http://www.robotstxt.org/wc/faq.html to learn more about Robots.txt file.

20. Do not attempt to present different content to search engines than what you show to your site visitors.

21. Avoid dirty tricks and exploiting loop holes to improve search engines ranking.

22. Avoid links to bad neighborhood such as web spammers, link farms, phishing, hacker, crack, gambling, porn and scam sites. Linking to them will greatly affects your search engine rankings.

23. Do not attempt to join in link schemes, excessive reciprocal links or excessive link exchanging and link exchange web rings.

24. Do not use unauthorized programs or online tools to submit your site, check page rankings and other automated queries. Avoid the risk of being flagged as spam.

25. Do not use hidden text and links. Show to search engines what you show to your visitors. It will greatly affect your site's reputation.

26. Do not attempt to create pages that contains phishing, scam, viruses, trojans, backdoors, spyware, adware and other malicious programs.

27. Make your site useful and informative.

28. Improve your link building. Link to high PR websites. Quality of relevant links are far more important than quantity. Links will greatly improve your site's visibility, popularity and rankings. Search engines consider links as votes to your site.

29. Check your page link structure. Every page should be reachable by a single static text link.

30. Be extra careful in purchasing SEO services. Some uses illegal and questionable ways to improve rankings.

31. Do not buy or sell links.

32. Do not create sites that contains purely affiliate links and no valuable content that are useful to the users.

I hope these tips will add more popularity and visibility to your site. Enjoy!


I have a dream, a fantasy....
To help me through reality
And my destination makes it worth the while
Pushing through the darkness still another mile
I believe in angels
Something good in everything I see
I believe in angels
When i know the times is right for me
I'll cross the stream - I have a dream
I'll cross the stream - I have a dream

Lagu diatas menceritakan seseorang yang mempunyai impian dan dia yakin bahwa impiannya akan terwujud. Setiap orang pasti mempunyai impian baik impian punya rumah mewah, mobil sport keluaran terbaru, uang yang melimpah, hingga impian untuk menjadi artis terkenal dan tersohor sekalipun.

Bila rekan-rekan netter semua saat ini mempunyai sebuah impian yang sangat tinggi yang ingin kita raih, yaitu sebuah impian yang mustahil akan mampu kita capai, berarti rekan-rekan saat ini sudah masuk dalam LANGKAH AWAL SEBUAH KESUKSESSAN.

Mengapa ??
Karena semua orang sukses didunia ini mengawali langkahnya dengan sebuah impian. Ya hanya dengan sebuah impian. Impian itulah yang mampu membuat dirinya menjadi orang yang sukses di segala bidang.

Bagaimana dengan anda??
Saya yakin bahwa anda juga mempunyai sebuah impian yang mungkin mustahil bisa anda raih. Namun impian tetaplah menjadi sebuah impian dan tidak akan pernah menjadi kenyataan. Lho kok jd gitu ???

APa yang saya tulis itu beneran kok... Maaf kalau membuat rekan-rekan semua jadi bingung....

Ya benar apa yang saya tulis itu. Impian hanya akan menjadi sebuah impian tanpa anda semua berhenti sampai disitu. Hanya sebatas impian tanpa ada tindakan apapun juga sama juga dengan berkhayal. Jika kita ingin impian kita terwujud ya harus dengan tindakan nyata dan bagaimana kita mengarahkan impian tersebut menjadi sebuah kenyataan. Tentu saja rekan-rekan semua harus mau berkorban untuk mencapai impian tersebut baik waktu, pikiran, tenaga, hingga materi. Pengorbanan anda semua itulah yang akan menjadi langkah awal anda mencapai sukses.

Memang untuk meraih impian tidaklah mudah, banyak hambatan dan rintangan yang akan menghadang... wah kayak off road aja ya...
Dan kegagalan adalah sebuah perasaan yang dirasakan anda sekalian ketika mengetahui apapun yang telah anda lakukan sepertinya sia-sia.

Inilah yang menjadi sebab mengapa ada orang sukses dan tidak. Karena orang sukses akan mengganggap kegagalan sebagai guru dan sebagai jembatan atau langkah menuju kesuksesan. Bagi orang yang tidak sukses akan menganggap kegagalan sebagai sebuah kesia-siaan belaka.

Satu hal yang kita yakini adalah bahwa dengan selalu belajar dari pengalaman baik kegagalan maupun kesuksesan yang telah kita alami, kita akan semakin besar dan semakin dekat dengan sebuah kesuksesan yang menjadi impian anda semua.

Jangan berhenti mengejar impian, karena mengejar impian lebih baik daripada berkhayal.


Siapapun juga didunia ini pasti ingin meraih kesuksesan hidup. Tak ada orang yang ingin gagal dalam hidupnya. Namun untuk meraih kesuksesan hidup ini kita terlebih dulu harus mempunyai tujuan yang ingin dicapai atau bahasa kerennya IMPIAN......
Tanpa sebuah tujuan hidup (Dream) mustahil kesuksesan akan diraih, dan yang lebih parah adalah membuat hidup menjadi semakin membosankan, menjemukan, dan stagnan...

Kebanyakan orang yang menjalani hidup tanpa sebuah tujuan hanya akan fokus pada kehidupanya sendiri, kalaupun menyelesaikan sebuah pekerjaan juga hanya terfokus pada waktu yang ada tapi tanpa sebuah prestasi yang berarti. Mereka hanya akan menjadi "seorang penonton". Mereka hanya bisa melihat keberhasilan orang lain tetapi sama sekali tidak bisa membayangkan keberhasilan bagi diri sendiri. Itu disebut dengan hidup tak bertujuan. Kita harus mempunyai misi hidup yang tinggi di dunia ini agar hidup kami lebih berarti dan berarti.

Untuk mencapai keberhasilan memang tidaklah mudah dan penuh dengan jalan yang berliku. Kegagalan atau kesalahan adalah tantangan yang harus dapat dilalui dengan sebuah respon yang sebaik-baiknya. Banyak orang ingin berhasil dalam hidupnya, tetapi sangat sedikit yang berani menghadapi resiko kegagalan ini.

Kegagalan adalah ujian yang harus ditempuh - dan memang harus dilalui - oleh mereka yang ingin sukses dalam hidupnya. Dari sebuah kegagalan itulah kita akan belajar dan semakin dewasa. Kegagalan pula-lah yang menjadikan kita semakin pintar dalam bertindak dan berpikir.

Jangan takut akan sebuah kegagalan. Justru kita harus semakin terpacu, mengapa kita bisa gagal, dan karena apa kegagalan ini terjadi. Ingatlah akan sebuah kata-kata mutiara "PEMENANG TIDAK AKAN PERNAH MUNDUR, MUNDUR DAN BERHENTI TIDAK AKAN MENJADI SEORANG PEMENANG".....

Selamat berjuang rekan... selamat meraih kesuksesan hidup....

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B. Susetyo.
Hanya seorang yang mencoba tuk memberi arti kehidupan dengan seberkas cahaya motivasi dan cahaya hati .... membantu sesama menuju arah hidup yang lebih sukses....
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